Proceed On

Do you ever take the time to step back an re-evaluate where your journey is taking you, or who you have let join you on that journey? This is something I need to learn how to do. I need to take a moment, step back and re-evaluate where my journey is taking me. I need to see me through the eyes of another to see who I am and where I am going. We all have faults but sometimes it is hard to admit our flaws and when we get called on it, it sucks. There is no way around it. I know that there are things that I need to work on to better myself, these things I find myself working on daily, and its not going to happen over night. We all have flaws about us, no one person is perfect, nor will that ever happen to any one person. I had a moment where I needed to step back and take the moment to re-evaluate. I learned a lot in that moment, things that will forever alter my journey and that path it has chosen to take me. I have stepped back, re-aligned my goals, set new goals and am taking baby steps to a new me. My life has always taken different twists and turns, but never before has it been completely de-railed. I am picking up the pieces, dusting myself off and looking at myself through new eyes and moving forword. Till next time, remember who you are, and take moments to re-evaluate your journey.

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