
Aimee - I cannot beleive that we have the same thing! I have been on Zithromax now for 2 days! I came home sick from work today, because it was taking all my energy just to stand there and teach! Yuck! My Dr. also gave me Rescon which is supposed to dry up all the stuff! Its kicking my butt though! I am so worn out, and tired its unreal! I have absolutely no energy which sucks! How are you doing otherwise? I still cannot beleive that we have the same thing, although I dont have the 80 some pills you do. I am allergic to amoxycillian so I have to take the high end antibiotics. I am off! Miss you, call me this weekend!
Ok, so I admit...I babied up...I threw in the towel with this cold cause it settled in my chest this morning and got substantially worse. I woke up and felt like crap! I told myself if it got worse then it was time to admit defeat and give up! So that I did! I called the doctor...was so thankful that they could get me in today! However, I was a little annoyed that I had to wait 35 minutes, but, whatever. Final diagnosis, sinus infection which has been causing all my other ailments. And here I thought it was Bird Flu! LOL JK. Glad it was not that! Well after much persistance by my friend Kathy at work, I finally went home late this afternoon, I have taken my first round of antibiotics as well as the stuff to help dry me up, and clear me up. So with that all said and done, I am gonna go...put on my pajamas, not go to class (doctors orders) and stay home and sleep. Yeah me! Have a good night!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt,

OMG,we have the same thing! I have been sick forever and I couldn't get over it. Finally, I sucked it up and went to the doctor and they said I have a sinus infection!

I haven't been this sick in forever! I have been on antibiotics for two days now. What are you on?

They gave me amoxcillin...I have to take 6 pills a day for 14 days. Seems excessive...that's 84 pills!

So I called the pharmacist to make sure and they said it was right.

Well, I hope you feel better! I know exactly what you're going through.
