Per tradition Mom and I spent most of our day trying to find the best deals on the items we wanted to purchase as Holiday gifts. Surprisingly I got much of what I wanted and then some! So I guess I could call today rather productive. TALK ABOUT CROWDS though! There were so many people whereever we went, but luckily I always found us close parking! I am pretty good about that! We brought home a car load! Wow, it was unreal! I got one really special gift and I cannot wait for the person getting it to open it! It was one of those things that you only see once a lifetime and that only fits a select few and this person will be so happy with this! Its cute, and that is all that I am saying about that! So I went to Keystone the other day with my friend, we had a great time but the snow sucked! It was really crusty and you could tell that it had been skiied off. We had fun, even though I smacked my knee on the ice. Oh well, you only live once so I am guessing that you should enjoy it! Well I am off for a much needed nap. Its been nice house sitting for my aunt and uncle while they peruse the west coast of Oregon. The picture of today is of my friend and I at Keystone on Wednesday! Aloha! :)


Time for a much needed break...
Giddy up! Made it to Thanksgiving break! Talk about a frazzling week! Everyday the past week I have just about wanted to pull all my hair out at some point. Oh well, it has been a lot of fun, the kids for the most part have been great, although today, many of them were in rare form. We had one discipline problem after another! It sucked. I felt bad for the people having to deal with them, myself included cause I had a few as well! Oh well, I relate it to the forthcoming break and time away from school. I was surprised this morning with Starbucks from my friend (YUM), and then overall had a lot of fun today, a few wrong turns, but overall it was great. Tomorrow I am headed to Keystone with my good friend, I am sure that her and I will have a great time, she is a lot of fun to be with and I am looking foreward to seeing some snow and making a few turns! If I do not update before Thanksgiving, have a GREAT Turkey Day! GOBBLE! GOBBLE! PS: Saw an XBox 360 on sale on eBay for $98,000.00! Yes, ninety-eight thousand dollars! Can you believe that??? Also the picture above was taken at Keystone last time I was up!

Makin' Some Turns...

Made it to Keystone today...
Rock on! Keystone opened Friday!!! I made it up today to make some turns! And to top it off...not that I was excited enough to be up there, but it was a POWDER day! YAHOO!!! The conditions were incredible! They had open about 3/4 of a run open to mid-mountain where you could catch the lift back to the top. If you wanted to go all the way down you had to ride the gondola back down! Oh well, I still had a great time! My first run felt amazing and I found some killer powder stashes! It started to get super crowded for the very minimal terrain they had open so I called it a day! I drove by A-Basin to check them out, but they had HUGE lines as well and only minimal terrain open! Till next time, pray for some more snow!!!

I Feel At Home...?

I Finally Feel Important!
I finally feel at home at the school. I am not too sure what exactely what it was today to make me feel that way, but tonight I really do feel like I am meant to be there. I am not sure if it was playing such a role in the Veterans Day assembly, or talking with parents and them telling me that they appreciate all that I do, or working one on one with a child who needed someone to talk to, or if it was the teachers and the principal thanking me. So many different variables today, not quite sure which one smaked me upside the head and made it all clear. But, something definantely changed. I realized that this is my career, this is my passion, and I do not have to go back to the other job which was really wearing me down. I am at home, and feel at peace with all that I do and really feel like I am making a difference, I could see that today. I am off for the evening...I hope everyone who reads my Blog enjoys what I add, I love this, it is so personal and a great way to share with others a little piece of me. PS: Keystone and Brekenridge open tomorrow!

Still Coughing...

I Know...I Sound Gross...
I know I sound like crap...I am feeling overall better, but each time I cough I can still hear crap deep down in there that needs to come out! My headaches have subsided which tells me the antibiotics are working and clearing up the junk from my head. Had a good day at school yesterday even though I was in a meeting all day. I look foreward to this next week...the kids were so sweet when they heard I was sick, many of them approached me and told me to feel better which I though was so sweet of them, they are so caring! Unfortunantely because of my illness I have not had time to go up to the hills to shoot any pictures or make any turns, but, I did capture a couple from Keystone's website. They are set to open this Friday! YAHOO! I am SOOO excited! I have plans to head up!! The picture in the upper left is of the River Run base and the picture in the lower right is of the Starfire run off of North Peak!! I had a good day as well today, slept in which was nice and something I never get to do! When I finally got out of bed, no one was around, so it was nice and quiet to sip a cup of tea, grade some papers and do a little lite reading. From there helped with a little house work and then when shopping with the parents, and then car shopping with my bro. He is the worst at making decisions, but, he does not even have his license yet, so that should make this decision easier! I still love him! Well, I am off, I am gonna take tonight as a restful relaxing evening at home with a good movie and hit the bed early! Have a good one! I LOVE YOU ALL for thinking of me while I have been ill! :)


Aimee - I cannot beleive that we have the same thing! I have been on Zithromax now for 2 days! I came home sick from work today, because it was taking all my energy just to stand there and teach! Yuck! My Dr. also gave me Rescon which is supposed to dry up all the stuff! Its kicking my butt though! I am so worn out, and tired its unreal! I have absolutely no energy which sucks! How are you doing otherwise? I still cannot beleive that we have the same thing, although I dont have the 80 some pills you do. I am allergic to amoxycillian so I have to take the high end antibiotics. I am off! Miss you, call me this weekend!
Ok, so I admit...I babied up...I threw in the towel with this cold cause it settled in my chest this morning and got substantially worse. I woke up and felt like crap! I told myself if it got worse then it was time to admit defeat and give up! So that I did! I called the doctor...was so thankful that they could get me in today! However, I was a little annoyed that I had to wait 35 minutes, but, whatever. Final diagnosis, sinus infection which has been causing all my other ailments. And here I thought it was Bird Flu! LOL JK. Glad it was not that! Well after much persistance by my friend Kathy at work, I finally went home late this afternoon, I have taken my first round of antibiotics as well as the stuff to help dry me up, and clear me up. So with that all said and done, I am gonna go...put on my pajamas, not go to class (doctors orders) and stay home and sleep. Yeah me! Have a good night!! :)