Over the past few years I have really begun to learn that fate really does exist! Things in my life happen for a reason, and curve balls are thrown my way for a reason and that is something that I never paid attention to before. However, I have started to listen when fate knocks on my door, and so far everytime it has paid off. This last week was no exception. Not only did I have an amazing time in Pagosa Springs, but, I met someone who I think is amazing. This new friend informed me that there are job openings in the area for Elementary School teachers, and as many of you know I have been looking at all my options. Fate, it does exist. So, when it knocks at your door, open it up and take a listen. The photo of the day today is me, at the Pagosa Springs Overlook on Wolf Creek Pass.
PS: Check out my photo blog for some new photos that I shot while I was up there!