Copper Mountain

Okay, so I have spent the week here in beautiful Copper Mountain Colorado attending the TIE (Technology in Education) conference. I have gained a wealth of new knowledge which I cannot wait to share with my students in the fall! They are going to have a lot of fun with what I wan to do with them! It has been amazing up here! I am attending the conference with my boss and his family so that has been a lot of fun! Two of them even celebrated their birthdays while we were up here! I have been staying in a condo all by myself which has been a new experience, I have been a little lonely in the evenings, but during the day I am so busy with classes and such that I cannot even phathom being lonely! This afternoon I am headed to Glenwood Springs to see some friends and catch up, and then Sunday night I am headed to do a little camping! I am thinking I may head to Bogan Flats near Marble, that is one of my favorite areas in the whole state, I am hoping that there are openings, usually one needs a reservation to get in, but I think I will be able to find a spot where I can sit on the river, do a little reading a little relaxing! I may even head to the pool one day and just hang out! Well, that is all for now! Have a SUPER weekend!

Summer Time!

Yeah! Summer time! It is so weird having time off, getting paid and having nothing to do! A couple weekends ago my Dad, brother and his friend went to Durango for the Memorial Day weekend! It was SO much fun! We rode the Durango and Silverton train, visited Mesa Verde and just had a grand ol' time! This last week the family has spent a lot of time cruising through the inside passage of Alaska! I cannot wait to see and hear how the trip was! Next Friday I am headed to Glenwood Springs, and then to Copper Mountain for a conference and to visit some friends that I have not seen in a while! Its nice having all this time off, however, when you don't have a lot of money its hard to do anything! Oh well, I will make the best of it, I always do! Things with me have been great, I successfully finished my first year in the classroom and to top it off, they had to move my classroom so I have been spending a few hours here and a few hours there moving things and getting re-situated. Well, I am off! I have a lot to do today cause the families are all getting home from Alaska this evening! The picture on this weeks post was taken at the Train Station in Durango.