SNOW Making Progress

OH MY GOSH! I cannot contain myself! Arapahoe Basin has started making snow! YAHOO! This is SO Exciting! My whole attitude towards life has been modified this evening for the better! YEAH!! Share the news with one and all, Snow season is upon us!!! :) Image courtesy -

Do You See That???

Okay - look VERY Carefully! YES! You see it too! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! It snowed on Keystones North Peak last night! OH MY GOSH! Does this maybe mean that snowboard season is approaching?? It sure has gotten cooler down here in the Metro Area! YIPEE! SNOW on Baby! I cannot wait, or could you infer that already!?!? So my friends just back on town from Hawaii and my other friends are getting back in town from Germany! How exciting is that! They said they had a great time, although it was a little on the warm side due to a near by hurricane, but overall they had a great time! I cannot wait to hear from my other friends either, I bet that they just a SUPER time in Germany! Well I just wanted to make a quick little update with whats been going on this weekend! I am headed out later to a friends house for a barbeque this afternoon, although it may be indoors since its a little on the chilly side - only 55 degrees at the moment! Aloha!

It's Over!

It has been a crazy long week, and I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am that its over! I can sleep in tomorrow catch up on some reading, catch a nap or twenty and just relax a little. I cannot wait to see my friends who get back into town on Sunday from Hawaii and Germany! I hope that they all had super AWESOME trips! I am jealous! I have been watching the news, and with our weather pattern this weekend its prime conditions for moisture in the form of snow in Summit County where many of our prime ski resorts are located, so bring it on!! YAHOO!! Happy Weekend!!! :)


Just when we thought we had a handle on the cleanup from Katrina, we now face the dilemma of Rita. She is headed straight towards Texas. I do hope that everyone has learned and has left the area or is doing so rather rapidly. It has been a very active year for storms and it does not seem to be getting any better, just worse. I have heard rumors, that maybe if this storm continues on its current track and the jetstream over Colorado takes a dip then we may see rain from a Hurricane here in Colorado following Rita. So lets keep our eyes peeled. I have been tracking this storm with the assistance of: and Have a good night!!! :)

One of those Days

You know how every now and then you just have 'one of those days'? Well that was yesterday! just one of those days! Oh well, life often throws us curve balls, but we swing anyway hoping to hit it out of the field. After some talk things got ironed out, which is good. Plus on the upside it was the season premier of 7th Heaven last night! So that made my day that much better! Well I hate to be brief but I need to get ready for work this morning! This picture was taken over Memorial Day weekend at the start of the summer just in the tiny town of Jefferson, Colorado! I hope you enjoy the pictures that I post on here, I love taking and sharing them with everyone!! :)

Paradise Playground

Had a GREAT day today, even though I was awake at 1:30 this morning and am going to dinner with friends at 9 this evening! Got to school early, got a few things done, most importantely got our school a color printer! I am so excited about this, I cannot even begin to tell you about it! But that is all besides the point! Had an inservice day today, and we took the kids to Paradise Playground. The parents of a former student of mine own it, and I had never heard of it, nor been there, but we took our all day daycare kids! We had so much fun! It was a GREAT time! It was fun also to get to know a couple of the people I work with better so that was great as well! Well I am pooped, waiting for my friends to get in town so we can go eat and so I can get some sleep! Have a EXTRAORDINARY weekend! PS: The picture is courtesy:

First SNOW

Welcome to Fall in Colorado. The first official day is on the 22nd but yesterday a few of the ski resorts saw their first snow! Its going to be a great season, I just know it! The last few days have been good...I am finally feeling better, I did not feel so good there for a while, I actually though that I was going to die at midnight Tuesday morning! But I am feeling much better today, so that is a good thing! Its going to be a busy weeks end with my friends coming into town and having class tonight! Well, enjoy the cool weather and check out: for more snow updates! YAHOO!!

Red Rocks

ROCK ON! Just got home from the Dave Matthews Band live at Red Rocks to benefit those affected by Hurricane Katrina! What an AWESOME show, and what a GREAT place to see Dave Matthews! They ROCK! Went with my brother and a couple of friends, and we had a GREAT time! It was amazing, such power and compassion was felt at this show! I am off! Have a WONDERFUL Evening!! :)

Uncle Wayne's Dad and a Day of Rememberance

I have learned over the past week and a half that my Uncles Dad is not doing so well health wise and they think that his time may be nearing the end. I just wanted to make a post and share with you the Blog that was created in his honor! I thought that it was a nice way to live a life, and share with others a life that truly was lived. Wayne, know that I am here for you and your family if you need anything at all! ~Matt~ (PS: The picture is of Uncle Wayne)

Today is also a special day marking the 4th year anniversary of the September 11th attacks on our country. I also want to take a moment and remember those who died, and remember that we as a country will one day crawl from the ashes and thrive.


Today is a day of rest, relaxation and yes, Homework. However, I really wish that I could be sitting at Hays Creek Falls (to the right). That would be a great place to sit, read, ponder and explore what I do not know! Had a great end to the week! The principal wants me to chair a committee at school, so I am thinking about that. Its weird for me to have people come up and ask me to do things and complement me on how well I am doing. I have never really work in an environment like that before. So, its nice! Also had a get together with a few people from work last night, that was a lot of fun! But, now its time to get my behind out of bed and get some stuff done, I got a lot to do and only two days to do it in! Have a great weekend!!!

Dave Matthews Band

In an effort to aid those that have been affected by Hurricane Katrina the Dave Matthews Band along with the Neville Brothers are performing a relief concert live at Red Rocks on Monday the 12 of September! You want to know the best part? I GOT TICKETS!!! Row 5 baby! I am so EXCITED I cannot even begin to tell you! Its going to be a lot of fun, and the best part is that 100% of everything from tickets to beer to tshirts is going to aid those affected by Katrina! I also had one of my pictures below on my Marble post shared on live TV this morning on 9News! So its been an exciting couple of days! The image on my post today is courtesy: The image that was on 9News is the picture where you see the river and the trees and fog rolling through them! I taped it! YEAH!! Make it a GREAT day! :)

Bogan Flats

Had to add this picture as well of a foggy morning at Bogan Flats!
It rained Saturday, Sunday and Monday early morning!


Oh my gosh! Its been a while since I last made an update to the ol' blog! Well there has been a lot going on, so I have many things to share! Had a great end to my week last week spent my time with specials doing research on hurricane related stuff, and the kids REALLY got into it, which was awesome! So since it was labor day weekend, it sounded like a good time to take a trip, so take a trip I did! Went to Marble, Colorado with my family! My Dad and my Bro took off early Friday afternoon, and Mom and I drove up later, since I had to work late! On the way up we picked up a Mean Green from White House Pizza, which was SO Yummy when we got there, cause it was about 10pm! Well on Saturday we had a lazy morning and by the afternoon we decided to adventure and head to the town of Marble and go see the Marble query. Very beautiful place! The campground is actually a couple miles from the town and its called Bogan Flats, and its gorgeous! Probably one of the most beautiful campgrounds in the state! You can only get reservations 2+ weeks in advance, they won't just let you come! Well on Sunday a few of us went to the pool in Glenwood, that was a lot of fun! Always fun to people watch and work on your tan at the same time! Well, its been too short, but also thought I would share a few more photos that I have taken this trip...had a few AWESOME opportunities this time, so I hope you enjoy!